Southeast Asian Contemporary Art Now◎Marc Bollansee

Southeast Asian Contemporary Art Now◎Marc Bollansee

平常價 $118.00

僅存數量 1 !

Southeast Asia is the last frontier in contemporary art and one of the least known art scenes today because its diversity and outstretched territory make it difficult to access, analyse and assess. Five years of travel, research and interviews have enabled the author to give an extensive overview of the cutting-edge art practices in the region, including painting, sculpture, installation, video, photography and performance.

An in-depth essay covers the situation of the art scenes in the six selected countries and situates Southeast Asian Contemporary Art in a global context. Faithful to his signature method, the author has interviewed around 200 artists to come up with a final selection of 23. These artists have been selected on the perceived quality of content and emotion that are combined with the appropriate raw materials and the latest technology in their artworks. It has been an explicit objective to cover most of the media used by the artists from the region. Vivid discussions with artists, art critics, gallery owners and leading collectors have allowed the author to share and fine-tune his opinions. Final artworks have been selected in collaboration with the artists, and the interaction with them has enabled the author to unlock some of the clues that allow the reader to better understand the content.