Betty Saw's Ultimate Herbal Cookbook◎Betty Saw

Betty Saw's Ultimate Herbal Cookbook◎Betty Saw

平常價 $31.00

僅存數量 1 !

Betty Saw's Ultimate Herbal Cookbook shows you how to blend the natural benefits of herbs and roots with the tastes of today, minus the fuss. Using ingredients readily available from supermarkets and Chinese medical halls, these easy, straightforward dishes stay true to Betty Saw's trademark commonsense approach to cooking. "Heaty" and "cooling"' yin and yang - the ingredients in each dish come together to achieve that perfect balance.

About the Author

Betty Saw is a veteran chef informed by more than 30 years of experience. She is a well-loved and respected food consultant, as well as a household name in Malaysia, where she lives. Betty has appeared on a number of television programmes and is a prolific author of more than 15 cookbook titles, including Betty Saw's Best Noodle Recipes, The Asian Fish Cookbook, Asian Retro Food, The Asian Tofu Cookbook, Cupcakes, Cookies and The Best of Malaysian Cooking.